How Can We Advocate for Mental Health in the Workplace?

Does your workplace still carry a significant stigma around mental health? There are plenty of challenges in the office and sometimes things might get too overwhelming for everyone. We all strive for a mental health-friendly workplace, and it is essential to create a supportive work environment for employees to avoid stress and burnout. 

Now there are plenty of rising advocacies about mental health but the real question is, how can we implement this? What are the concrete steps we could actually take to nurture a safe space in the workplace?

Here are some simple ways we could do:

  1. Educate Employees

    Provide information and education to employees about mental health and its importance. This can be done through workshops, training sessions, and awareness campaigns. Check out some of our talks here.
    Action you can take: Arranging your first mental health awareness talk. This way, your employees could learn more about their mental wellbeing which may help with their personal relationships and even performance at work.

  2. Encourage Open Communication 

    Create an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing mental health concerns without fear of stigma or discrimination. Encourage managers and supervisors to have open and honest conversations with employees about their mental health. 

    Action you can take: Initiate a laid back lunch at work where everyone could openly discuss their work or personal struggles. This will create a more intimate environment and employees could start strengthening their rapport with each other. 

    Bonus: If it picks up, they could have their personal support group at work too!

  3. Provide Mental Health Resources 

    Offer resources such as counseling services, mental health hotlines, and employee assistance programs (EAP). Ensure that employees are aware of these resources and how to access them. Some of the SG complimentary hotlines can be found here.

    Action you can take: We acknowledge that we do have limitations, but the good thing is, there are experts in this field that we could run to. Consult with a wellness company and see which EAP suits your company best! 

  4. Promote Work-life Balance

    Encourage employees to take breaks, prioritize self-care, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. This could be done by implementing flexible work arrangements so employees could still fill their other roles such as being a parent, sibling or even just a friend.

    Action you can take: Allowing employees with children to start work earlier. For example, offer an option where they could start working at 8AM and end shift by 5PM. This allows them to work 8 hours a day – while still having time to do their roles at home.

  5. Lead By Example

    Don’t forget about yourself! Leaders and managers should model healthy behavior and encourage their teams to prioritize mental health. This can include taking breaks, prioritizing self-care, and seeking help when needed.

    Action you can take: Walk your talk. We could not preach mental health practices without applying them to ourselves first. They are not one-size-fits-all so feel free to explore what tips and tricks work for you and your team!

Advocating for a healthier workplace may be challenging and progress may be slow, but always remember that small progress is still progress. By taking these steps, you can create a supportive and healthy work environment that prioritizes employees' mental health and well-being. Start today by checking out our MWB catalog!


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