5 Tips to Counter Burnout

Have you ever sat on a corner and felt like there’s too much to do with so-little time? Have you ever noticed you’re getting sick frequently? Or, have you ever experienced being so drained you have no more energy to spend time with family or friends?

These are just some of the common signs of burnout.

If these are familiar to you but is still unsure, here are the other symptoms:

  • Physical and mental exhaustion

  • Feeling overwhelmed

  • Isolation

  • Escape fantasies

  • Irritability

  • Frequent illness such as colds and flus

Burnout is a common denominator for overworked adults. It is a human body’s response when filled with too much work and no rest. This is a common experience for students, parents, and mostly employees. Due to overstimulation at work, most employees breakdown because there is so much pressure in the workplace on top of other roles such as being a parent, a breadwinner, or even just a friend.

Now how can you address this concurrent problem?

  • Exercise

    • Stretching and moving around has good effects on your physical health, but did you know it has amazing effects on your mental health too? Through exercising, human bodies secrete a natural “happy hormone” which does wonders to your mood!

  • Eating a balanced diet

    • SGFitFam encourages companies to invest in a healthy eating culture for their employees because nourished bodies perform efficiently. This is a corporate hack which fuels productivity and is a win-win situation both for the company and its employees.

  • Practice good sleep habits

    • Sleep helps restore our bodies and replenishes energy for the next day, not only that, it also keeps us calm and focused the next day if we get enough rest.

    • If you are struggling to get enough sleep, you may want to skip drinking coffee past 2 o’clock in the afternoon, cut your screen time an hour before sleep, and incorporate relaxing activities such as meditation, reading, or even just taking a bath before going to bed.

  • Validate your feelings

    • Hustle culture created a fast-paced environment and we tend to go with the flow by always pushing ourselves a little bit more. Negative thoughts and feelings are often kicked at the back of our heads in order to function but sometimes, that is not always the healthier choice. 

    • It is okay to acknowledge your feelings and even better to take a break. You are a human being and you are entitled to take good care of your body.

  • Make time to play

    • Even though you are already an ‘adult’, make time for the things you enjoy. May it be a hobby, playing sports, or just learning new things with friends. Make sure you enjoy the life you are building for yourself.

Now these tips may help in addressing burnout, but if nothing seems to work, do not hesitate to reach out to a counselor. SGFitFam has multiple and competitive wellness specialists that can tailor specific wellness programs which will help you as an individual or your company to support your employees through this journey.

Check our page for more information.

Inquire on our available mental health talks and workshops today!


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